Thanks to my Happy Customers and Their Happy Pets!
I love to feature my customers and their Kelly Telfer pet portraits on my website. Please email me your photos and comments on my art:

“Kelly Telfer is one of the most creative and dynamic people that I have had the privilege to work with."
— Yvette
“Kelly’s passion and enthusiasm for life shine through every brush stroke, and a hint of the whimsical plays in his paintings."
— Renee
“I have known Kelly Telfer for over 40 years. He is one of the most creative & talented people that I have had the pleasure to know and work with."
— Stephen
“Those paintings are great!"
— Marcel
“WOW, Kelly. You got some talent. Awesome pics and posters.”
— Randy
“I have had the privilege of doing business with Kelly Telfer for over 25 years. The artwork Kelly provided for my companies is "amazing". Kelly's originality and quality is second to none and I always felt like I was getting 100% of his attention to detail 100% of the time."
— Rob
“Paintings are great.”
— Mark
The painting is awesome! Thank you for painting it Kelly! Made my X-Mas for sure.
— Craig
"Oh my gosh Kelly! I just looked at your work. I am blown away! You are so fricken talented!!!"
— Kat
"WOW! This incredible art, thanks much, don't drop the brush, and keep going."
— Faith
“Amazing work Kelly!”
— Jack